Rules and Regulations and Policies
Rules and Regulations and Policies
“The Adopt and Graduate AL-Barkaat-Singapore EduCampaign”
- The goal is to “Adopt TILL Graduation” ofa poor student and “Adopt as own Child”
- “Student Adoption” will be reserved:
- studying for at least 2 years
- from Class VIor Less.
- studying in the Evening classes of Al-Barkaat school (except in exceptional cases by mutual agreement of Al-Barkaat management and sponsor).
- Will be based on merit and ranking, unless exceptional performance in sports/co-curricular talent at district level.
- Preference will be given to orphans and children of widows/Divorcee.
- The students will be short-listed for adoption by Al-Barkaat management on the basis of aforementioned criteria and in liaison withindependent observer for final listing.
- The independent observer will be appointed from the sponsor side for the satisfaction of the sponsors.
- The Adoption HAVE to continue to the graduate level. The continuance of award will be subject to securing 75-80% & above marks in the previous examination, except in case of unavoidable reasons to be certified by the Principal/competent authority of the school.If withdrawn prematurely by parents or due to poor performance, they can be penalised as deterrence.
- Scholarship will be given to only ONE student from a family, unless the other child is also extremely meritorious or there is no other suitable candidate.
- Students should have atleast 75% attendance in the current academic session.
- Student’s annual performance may also be reviewed on the basis of their Literary, cultural and sport activities.
- Financial condition of the adopted child will be verified by the school administration. The annual income of the family from all sources should not be more than Rs. 1, 50,000/ annum. If concerned student is found non-deserving than their scholarship will be cancelled.
- If the parents/guardian is Government employees working on adhoc/ temporary/daily basis, they must submit their salary slip after every six months.
- The school/institute will certify the claim of student of being an outstation student not residing in hostel of the school/institute concerned.
- If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
- If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, his/her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered.
- Parents of the adopted child and the student shall be available at the school office when ever asked to report by the authority or the sponsor.
- The student can avail only one scholarship at a time. Therefore an undertaking will be signed by the student.
- The School Administration will give notification for scholarship to both the students of Al-Barkaat Afternoon School and Al-Barkaat Public School. There will be an opening and closing date to apply for the scholarship. The scrutiny of these forms will be done by the Principal ABPS & Incharge Afternoon School. The list of eligible students with their details will be uploaded on the website for the sponsors.
- To choose and adopt the student, the Sponsor will visit the “Student Adoption Homepage” to review the profiles of the Student candidates that have been short-listed by School.
- Once the desired student is selected, the sponsor will click on “Adopt Button”, and also fill his basic contact informationin the available online form. If sponsor has any query, that can also be put in the form.
- Immediately, the Al-Barkaat management will contact and liaise with the sponsor through phone or email to further process the adoption, satisfy the queries and help in selection. More details about the student and family willbeprovided by temporary “Sponsor login” and password to the sponsorandifrequested, will arrange video/telophonic meeting between student/parents-sponsor. Sponsor can also chose to appoint local representative to meet the student/parent.If not satisfied, the management can suggest alternative student.
- Once the sponsor confirms the adoption, the “Sponsor login”and password will become permanent. A “Welcome message by the management” and “Thanks message by student” will be send to sponsor. Through the Login, the sponsor will be REGULARLY updated with the progress and performance of the student, exams dates, marksheet, pictures, prizes, awards, co-curricular activities and can interact with the student and his parents. Aim is to continuously engage the sponsor to keep up the interest and satisfaction and to build the “Parent-child like virtual bond”. Sponsor can keep the tab on the tuition fee payment and remainder fund.
- There will be mandatory online “Student-Parent-Sponsor Meeting” every semester, unless sponsor request to skip it.
- Adoption will be till GRADUATION but the fund transfer will donefor the Tuition Fee of“MINIMUM ONE YEAR” academic session, unless special request is for two instalments; the fundcan include additional Hostel fee if sponsor agree.
- For simplification and easiness, the fundtransfer will be made electronically through secure online bank payment, unless requested for cheque/draft transfer.
- Sponsor will have right to withdraw from this “Adoption”, but only from the “Next” academic session. Sponsor cannot discontinue the scholarship in the middle of the session. In cases the sponsor has withdrawn, new sponsor can assigned to student.
- Sponsor will be reminded of the next fund transfer before the start of the new academic session.
- In general, all the students and parents of the “Evening Classes” should be regularly informed about availability of our campaign, its advantages and the requirements; this will make them strive and compete to perform better in the evening classes to get selected by the future sponsors.
- The chosen “Student and Parents”, should be counselled and explained:
- about advantages of the “Adoption”campaign, particularly it can lead to the student to become IAS, Doctor, and Engineer.
- They should be made to understand that all the cost is being made free by sponsor while other students have to themselves pay the same high tuition fee. This should be done at the time of selection and then regularly throughout the future years, so they are thankful the sponsor; this will prop them to keep up the performance and prevent drop-out before graduation.
- The requirements of the sponsorship; it is performance based.
- If performance is not optimal, the sponsorship can be withdrawn and parents may have to pay the whole fee, as deterrence.
- As deterrence and to make parent understand the significance of the funding,
- the parent may be required to pay first the monthly tuition fee, only to be reimbursed from sponsor fund in the next month and so on.
- Student may have to pay 10% of the fee and rest by sponsor. That 10% may be waived off at the end of year if performance is exceptional.
- The rules and regulations can be amended as and when required and it will be binding on the students and the parents of the sponsored child.